As stressful as a mum's life can be, there are lots of amazing moments that make all the hard work worthwhile. Here are just a few things MummyPages mums say never fail to put a smile on their faces.


1. "Morning smiles from my children."


Just the sweetest thing in the world.



2. "Five quiet minutes with a nice cup of tea and a few biscuits"


Sacred alone time - priceless.



3. "Sitting down in the evenings after getting all the housework and homework done."


Those moments are rare and make us feel a little giddy.



4. "Catching up with friends."


An hour where we can vent and be our silly selves.



5. "Seeing the sun shine."


Everything is better in the sun!



6. "Taking the dog for a weekend walk as a family."


Quality time that doesn't feel like exercise.



7. "Green traffic lights all the way home from work."


The Traffic Gods heard our prayers!



8. "When someone says they love us."


Oh you... *swoon*



9. "A good laugh with the hubby."


Very few people get you like he does.



10. "Seeing our kids happy."


Nothing makes us smile more than this.


