Most of us pat ourselves on the back whenever we step foot over the threshold of our local gym, but it’s important to realise the effort doesn’t stop there.

And no, we’re not just referring to the sweaty 60 minutes you spend pumping iron or spinning like your life depends on it, but those other times in the gym when you might find yourself slipping up.

Don’t worry, we’ve all fallen victim to the following moments at various stages in our lives, but it’s important to recognise them so you can actively set about erasing them from your typical gym routine.

If you make it your mission to cut out negative thinking, you’ll instantly improve your exercise experience.

Here are ten things we’ve all done and we need to stop!

1. Worrying what other people think

No one’s thinking anything about you because they’re more interested in themselves.

Now, get over yourself!

2. Looking in the mirror

Yes, they’re there so you can keep an eye on your form, but if you find yourself grimacing at a rogue spot or frizzy fringe for longer than 30 seconds, then you need to step away.

Remember, if you look good, then you’re not working hard enough anyway!

3. Staring at other people

Remember, you’re there to work out and break a sweat so let them get on with it and do the same!

Who wants to be ogled when they’re panting through a superset!?

4. Avoiding the trainer

Just because you skipped your last four spin classes doesn’t mean you need to avoid the trainer for the rest of your life!

Smile and show up the next time!

5. Focusing on the negatives

Yes, you’re sweaty and have a stitch, but you’re also doing your body the world of good so try to focus on the positives while you slog it out!

A change in mental attitude can do wonders for you!

6. Looking on it as a quick fix

Exercise requires dedication and should be done consistently if you want long-lasting results, so remember this if you want to achieve your desired shape or size.

Remember, you get out what you put in!

7.  Beating yourself up

So, it took you twice as long to complete 5km on the treadmill this week?

You still did it, didn’t you?!

8.  Fooling yourself that you know what to do

You can’t work the machine and you’ve forgotten how many lunges you’re meant do, haven’t you?

A bright smile and a polite enquiry with the people paid to help you will have you back on track in a matter of seconds!

9. Expecting to feel motivated all the time

You’re only human, so there are bound to be days when you can barely raise a smile, let alone a barbell.

Don’t be too hard on yourself and give yourself permission to sit out a session every once in a while!

10. Tucking into the vending machine in the lobby

Yes, it’s there, but that doesn’t mean you should use it to reward yourself every single time.

Recall those thirty minutes you just spent  on the exercise bike the next time you find yourself reaching for your purse.



