From the moment you bring your pet dog home they become a part of the family, so much so that you often end up doing certain things that you probably never thought you would!
How many of the following 13 things can you relate to?
1. Stepped on a wet, chewed tennis ball
2. Walked around the park with a bag of poo in one hand
3. Told your pet pooch all about your day because no one else would listen...
4. Called your pet anything other than their actual name: “Poochie, anyone?”
5. Became upset that your furry friend didn’t jump up when you walked through the door
6. Put on the telly for them
7. Had a go in their dog basket - before they slept in it obviously...
8. Spent a good ten minutes saying goodbye to them when you’re going on holidays
9. Cried when they sneezed because it was “SO CUTE!”
10. Asked them for the paw and said: “Pleased to meet you...”
11. Told everyone that they totally winked at you...
12. Used your dog as a hot water bottle
13. Put human clothes on them