35 things all mums wish they could have given up for Lent but couldnt

In case you weren't aware, Lent has well and truly already begun. Mums all over the country have geared themselves up to embark on various ridiculous diets, unrealistic exercise schemes and fantastical ‘me-time’ efforts that might not even last until St Patrick's Day. However, there are several things we are not permitted to ‘give up’.

As our Lord set off for 40 days and 40 nights to abstain and reflect, we too have reflected on 35 aspects of the mum-life we would have liked to have given up for Lent… but couldn't.

1. Caring about bedtime

2. Peppa Pig

3. The struggle to brush tiny teeth without a fight

4. Making sure they eat something green each day

5. Pulling knots out of little curls

6. Losing tiny hair accessories

7. Tripping on toy cars

8. Stepping on stray Lego

9. Yelling to the point where your voice vanishes

10. Hiding in the bathroom

11. Sneaking chocolate

12. Dragging yourself out of bed at 3 am to serve beverages

13. Reading the same book over and over again

14. Worrying about them while you try to get some work done

15. Wishing you were at work while you're in mum-mode

16. Family trips to the bathroom

17. Caring about stretch marks

18. Craving a glass of wine every time someone has a tantrum

19. Providing a free taxi service

20. Cooking more than one dinner

21. Cooking at all

22. Washing clothes that were only worn once

23. Mum guilt

24. The no-makeup look

25. The maths homework stress

26. Counting down from 5 (loudly)

27. Wishing you had your pre-baby body back

28. Rewarding your kids for barley-acceptable behaviour

29. Searching for that one missing shoe in the morning

30. The battle to limit screen time

31. Breaking up fights (both physical and discursive)

32. Bribery when the prize is mediocre (i.e. 30 minutes of cartoons in exchange for the consumption of a single pea)

33. Being the ‘strict’ parent

34. Saying ‘no’ 100 times only to say ‘yes’ the 101st time

35. Suppressing inappropriate language in front of the very people who trigger it

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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