Sticking to a healthy eating plan shouldn’t be a chore, but sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it?

With an abundance of healthy recipes at our disposal, eating well on a budget has never been easier, but that doesn’t mean we have it nailed just yet!

There are a number of reasons we veer off track when trying to eat clean, but if we identify these factors it will make it a lot easier to overcome them and keep our eye on the prize!

Here are just five reasons you may struggle to stick your new nutrition plan.

Sound familiar?

1. Preparation

Nothing will see you reaching for that double chocolate muffin quicker than the knowledge you have nothing about your person to keep you full until your next main meal.

Alongside your keys, phone and wallet, it is absolutely vital you pop healthy snacks in your handbag to munch on when your body tells you you need it if you're serious about eating well.

What's the point in eating three healthy meals a day if you're snacking on rubbish for the rest of the day?

2. Obsessing

A healthy eating plan shouldn't take over your life.

The moment you feel like you are being controlled by your eating habits, you're almost guaranteed to throw in the towel.

Remind yourself that there's more to life than counting calories and pat yourself on the back for your efforts so far.

3. Peer pressure

Feeling like you're being antisocial by turning down a calorific lunch date or refusing the office birthday cake can sway even the most determined,

Nobody wants to feel like they're being a party pooper, but you need to remind yourself that no one can shed those pesky lbs except you.

If people are giving you grief for sitting out the weekly booze-fuelled brunch, that's their problem, not yours.

4. Punishing yourself

A heathy eating plan should signal a positive change in your life, not a negative one!

If you're looking at your new plan as a form of punishment, then it's unlikely you're going to stick to it and reach your goals, is it?

Source recipes which include healthy food you genuinely like, view each meal as a form of reward and remind yourself that you're getting ever close to your goal shape or size.

5. Mistaking a slip-up for a failure

It's vital you remember that any stumble should be viewed as a learning experience, not a reason to give up.

So you ate an entire packet of biscuits one evening because you felt bored, what does this tell you?

It certainly doesn't mean you should give up and return to your old habits, it just means you've now identified a factor which causes you to overindulge.

Learn from it, but don't throw in the towel!



