Momma Google will provide you with fantastic suggestions for getting to grips with the mess that is motherhood. However, there are times where you honestly want the lazy, easy option for dealing with toddler turmoil and baby mayhem. We’ve come up with five such tips for messy mums!
Vacuum everything
I learned this one while working in the service industry. Don’t limit your vacuum’s purpose to simply the floor. A Hoover can be used to suck away other problems faced by messy mums on the daily. I use mine to clear the breakfast table of cereals explosions. I also do a quick swoop around the hob for stray pasta shells and rice. I even give my toaster and oven the once-over with the Hoover before using any products- remember to turn these appliances off first!
Bibs forever
Don’t be embarrassed to have your 5-year-old in a bib. No one can judge you because they don’t know the bottomless pit that is your laundry basket. Throw a big bib or an oversized old shirt on your older ones when they eat, do crafts, play with play-dough or play in the garden. It’s a quick way to avoid messy moments and exercise some control over your laundry lifestyle.
Everything drawer
All messy mums have one. Let’s celebrate them for a brief moment. In-laws on the way over? Throw you toddlers latest mess into the everything drawer. Baby due some tummy time? Clear an area and deposit WHATEVER into the everything drawer.
 TOP TIP: be selective when choosing the appropriate drawer, especially when it comes to height. Make sure it is not too high that you struggle to reach it easily but be wary of little hands exploring!
Make it a game
How many times has your living room resembled a war zone littered with the furry fallen? Instil some healthy competition in your little ones by turning the tidy-up into a race. Let them battle it out to be crowned the Queen or King of the clean-up- prizes optional!
Hiding from the mess is absolutely an option. Haul up for a while, snuggle your little treasures as you avoid whatever mess those treasures have made. Take a break, watch a movie and spend some quality time with your tinys before facing up to reality! Don’t feel guilty you are one of many messy mums!
Brought to you by
Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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