5 steps to take today to thrive as a single mother
Parenting is hard! Being responsible for raising a well rounded human being who is emotionally and physically healthy and happy is not an easy feat. Some may even say it is impossible.  Single parenthood adds yet another level of complexity to the whole process of raising children.
We know single mothers have it tough. Each day is usually a survival exercise - an attempt to juggle all the priorities to get it all done!  So, how can you thrive as a single parent?
The good news is, there are plenty of single parents in Europe. With over 9 million strong, someone has already figured out the recipe for thriving as a single mom.
If someone has helped you with your struggles, remember to thank them on world gratitude day!
Yes, thriving may seem like a luxury - but really, it is not.  How are you expected to raise emotionally well-adjusted little humans without thriving emotionally, physically, and mentally?
One article will never be enough to discuss such a vast topic.  However, we have attempted to narrow down five practical steps you can take T-O-D-A-Y towards thriving as a single mother.  Baby steps!  

How to tackle loneliness

It is a fact that many single moms are overwhelmed daily with the feeling of despair that is loneliness.  Yes, we are surrounded by our children and their activities.  The home is not void of life. You can hear the hustle and bustle as you even read this.  That, however, does not mean you are not lonely.
Loneliness can so often become the norm, wiht many admitting they are lonely. One of the most empowering actions you can take today is to tackle that loneliness. Here are some ideas:

Step 1: Limit social media time 

Yes, while we feel heard and noticed on social media, it is an excellent tool for escaping reality now and then - the reality is that social media is actually making us lonelier.

Step 2: Use that time to build friendships

The more time you limit social media, the more time you can spend nurturing friendships and relationships.  The good news is, you may not even have to step out of the home to do that.  One of the greatest tools we have learned to use during this lockdown is videoconferencing.  The power of video chats is incredible in building relationships.  So, turn on that Zoom app and call a friend. Yes, even old school phone calls can help.  The more meaningful friendships and connections we build with people around us, the less lonely we will feel.

Step 3: Consider a psychic 

Yes, a psychic. Whatever you believe psychics can and cannot do, it is worth exploring what they can do for you.  It can help you with a thing called spiritual enlightenment. A psychic reading can help you explore your inner fears, worries, and thoughts and help you connect with your inner spirit. Many people have found spiritual guidance and healing through the powers of mediums.  Just pick authentic genuine readers. For more on that, check out: https://mediumfinder.com.
If you are still not convinced how psychic readings can do little more than entertain you (even that is worth it), check out this article that discusses the benefits of psychic reading. Save some of that social media time and explore online psychic readings to find some peace of mind that will go a long way in curing loneliness.

Budget your way to thriving!

A big part of thriving (as opposed to merely surviving) is to ensure we have the resources we need to lead the best life we can.  On that note, financial planning is a vital part of thriving.
The epidemic that has been ravaging our society for decades now is financial illiteracy.  Financial literacy is the knowledge of managing one’s finances.
If you have ever found yourself awake at night agonizing over how to make ends meet for the month and keep up with your kids’ ever-expanding needs and demands, it might be time for you to tackle financial literacy.

Step 3: Sign up for Financial Literacy

What is that practical step you can take today to improve your financial literacy and learn how to manage your finances better?  Check out the free courses on National Adult Literacy Agency, and register to learn something new about finances:  https://www.nala.ie/free-courses/.

Step 4: Set a Budget

Another quick step to financial freedom is setting up a budget. Open up a Google spreadsheet and start jotting down the income and expenses of your household.  If you haven’t done this, you will find it exhilarating and empowering.  If you have already set up a budget, open it up and check to see if your actual financial habits match what you have on your budget.  For more inspiration, check out this post on budgeting.

Find your tribe (of other single parents)!

So, you know you are not alone in this journey called single parenting.  Single parenting doesn’t have to mean lonesome parenting.  Humans thrive in tribes - it’s in our evolution! So, to thrive in the circumstances you have been blessed with, find your tribe of other supportive single parents.
Turning to support is one of the best things you can do for your mind, soul, and even body.  If you are always wondering if you are doing the right thing for your children and if others can relate to the struggles you are feeling, then this is a great tip for you.
With 1 in 4 children in Ireland living in lone-parent households, you will find your tribe of like-minded parents in short order.  These support groups are incredible in providing companionship, emotional support, and meaningful connections.
So, what is the practical step you can take right now today about ‘finding your tribe and support’?

Step 5: Find a single parent club to join

There are lots of options from local meet ups to online groups in the local area - remember safety first, and always let a friend know if you are about to meet a social group. 
Like we said, one post is never enough to inspire one to thrive in the conditions they have been given.  However, thriving is a state of mind. When we feel happy and secure in our situation, we are thriving.  When we feel emotionally fulfilled, mentally satisfied, and physically fit, we are thriving in life. 
We hope that you will take the five baby steps to start thriving today!  Remember, your kids are counting on a happy, healthy mom to be around for many, many years!  Be the best you!

