For any gym bunny or exercise fiend, sustaining an injury and being forced out of your work-out routine is one of the most frustrating things a person can experience.

And while you may assume it will be easy as pie to hop right back on the wagon immediately after you've healed, sometimes it's just not that easy.

A loss of confidence and a change to your body's size, shape, strength and fitness levels - all of which most likely happened as a result of your injury - can wreak havoc on your motivation levels.

So, with that in mind, here are five tips you should consider if you're preparing to re-enter the world of exercise after time away from the gym studio

1. Prepare for false starts

You may think that the moment that cast or bandage has been removed, you'll slip seamlessly back into your pre-injury regime, but unless you're very lucky it won't happen as easily as that.

While the gym may have been your safe haven before your injury, it can be incredibly difficult to reestablish your old routine, so allow for this and don't expect to go from zero effort to 100% after time off.

You may have the best of intentions, but if you're only managing once a week for the time being, that's OK!

2. Treat yourself

There's a lot to be said for treating yourself when you've suffered misfortune and how better to do this than give your exercise wardrobe an overhaul?!

Not only will this allow you to pick up some new pieces if your shape or size has changed, but it will also give you the boost you need when struggling with the idea of your first kettlebells class after a few weeks or months off.

3. Ask for help

Sustaining an injury - whether it's exercise-related or not - is part and parcel of life, so don't be a hero and expect to be able to do everything you could before you got hurt.

Let instructors or gym buddies know what you're finding difficult, so they can assist or alter your regime so you don't do yourself any further damage.

The worst thing you can in the aftermath of an injury is to force yourself to perform as you once did. Give yourself time!

4. Be realistic

You may have been the queen of your gym before you got hurt, but  - and it kills us to say this - you may have had to relinquish your crown since then.

This, however, doesn't mean you won't get it back and wear it with aplomb in no time!

So what if you could kick everyone's ass in your Spin class before you got hurt, you'll be back on track before you know it, just be patient.

5. Stay positive

It can be INCREDIBLY difficult to maintain an upbeat attitude and demonstrate serious willpower when you've found yourself slip a few rungs down the fitness ladder, but remember it WILL come back.

You worked hard to get where you were before your injury and so what if you've gained some weight, lost some muscle tone or forgot how to lift weights without cringing, the important thing to remember is that you're now back in good health and ready to start working out again.

Remind yourself that your body underwent a trauma and while it WILL bounce back in time, it needs time, but you'll get there in the end.

And remember, always follow a medical professional's advice when it comes to caring for yourself and your body in the aftermath of an injury.


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