I love mornings. 


I love the messy and chaotic 'routine' we have in our house. We bump along, teasing and rushing, finding lost socks and shovelling in cereal. It is the best part of my day but I do understand how it could be quite stressful. 


Here are some tips to make mornings run a little more smoothly:


1. Do not hit snooze. DO NOT DO THIS.


When your alarm first goes off, your body reacts with a hit of adrenaline. If you ignore this and go back to sleep, your body will not get this shot of energy it needs to you will feel groggy and slow rather than bright-eyed and ready to seize the day.


2. Get the kids to help


Nothing like a little responsibility to get the kids on board. Now that my children are 6 and 5, I get them to rope in when it comes to our morning times. They have to carry over their bowls after eating and make their beds. It is slow but they are getting faster. 


3. Preparation, preparation


It may seem obvious, but sometimes being ahead of yourself really does pay off. Lay out the children's clothes, have the lunchboxes ready to go and have your own outfit ironed and ready to go. It will save you a few minutes but they are crucial minutes that really matter when you are racing to make the school bell. 


4. Be season ready


Your kids may not feel the cold, but you have your reputation as a good mum to uphold! Make sure in this colder weather, you have all the gloves, ear-muffs, umbrellas and wellies at the ready. Make sure you have them washed and smelling soft and fresh for when your little one wraps themselves up in it they will feel great. I put them on the heater ready to pop on just before they leave the house because....softie.


5. Jazz up your mornings



The reason we love mornings so much in our house is because we have a morning playlist. I recommend every house should have one. We bop along to Beiber during breakfast and have a little 'La la land' soundtrack for teeth brushing. It keeps everyone upbeat but most of all, we know that by the time Lady GaGa comes on, we need to be out that door. 


Sometimes it is the little things....Happy mornings, mums!

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