We’ve all been given a list of milestones to look out for.


Telling someone else that your baby rolled over onto her tummy for the first time might give you a gush of pride, but there are other kinds of moments you can share that are not in the books.


 These are not simply biological, but hugely emotional -  and can give you (and others who love your little one), some serious feels as well as masses of entertainment.



Sharing these incredible instances with your friends and family can act as a scrapbook of sorts, solidifying all those amazing memories you will crave as they get older. This makes them easier to recall when you need a reminder that this whole parenting thing is worth it. 


Here are some of our favourite moments to remember and share with those you love:


1. Feeding Feels


Feeding can be a nightmare at times. Whether you choose to bottle or breastfeed, ensuring your baby gets what he or she needs can be extremely stressful. Once you both get the hang of things, moments while feeding can bring on some of the most incredible emotions.


Gazing down into the glistening eyes of your little bundle you will feel a connection that cannot be replicated. It is one of the most peaceful and tranquil moments of parenting. Savouring these minutes (and yes, there will be many minutes), is vital, considering they might be interrupted by an explosion down south or a spit-up at any second.


Have you noticed how babies move when they are being fed? When my toddler was a gorgeous ball of squish, she would move her chubby little fingers rhythmically as she drank. She would also reach out and caress my cheek or play with my hair. Even remembering this can make any hard day of tantrums seem worth it. Sharing these moments can help let her babyhood live on in my heart. 


2. That first Giggle


My goodness, that feeling when you hear the first laugh is better than any bar of chocolate or night out. Satisfaction comes after weeks of frantically pulling faces and exhaustively searching for that tickle spot - have you tried behind those squishy knees?


You also beam with pride that something YOU created can make such a perfect sound. The grins and gurgles can be hard to replicate once you call someone else to witness or grab your phone for a quick video (isn’t that always the way?) However, sharing this gem of a moment is important because it means others can look out for this new thrill, and try their hand at impressing your baby.



3. Did you just say “Mama”?!


You bend over backwards (sometimes literally) for your baby, and they will still call Dada first (typical!) You slave, you carry, you weep and still it might take forever for them to say your name. When they do, tell the world!


There is no greater feat than acknowledgement for the effort you have put into your child’s existence. Hearing them say mama can be a relief, as well as a reward for all the work you have done! You are finally being recognised by your most important critic, making you feel the appreciation you deserve!



4. The Return of the Hug


Can you count the number of hugs you have given your baby? From gently snuggling your newborn to squeezing your toddler, your arms have been a source of love for your child from day one. You may not have noticed that these hugs have been one sided, but you will certainly feel it when your child returns your embrace for the first time.


It may not happen for the first two years, but when you get that cuddle it can bring tears to your eyes! It isn’t something we often speak about, but this mini-milestone is just as fulfilling as first steps or many of the other things we are told to look out for. If you tell your family, they can try and get a cuddle themselves, a feeling you know they’ve been only dying for since you announced your new arrival.


5. Tha-Tha-Thank-you?


We all spend a ridiculous amount of time trying mould our prodigies into model citizens. We spend even more time worrying that we are doing a bad job or not doing enough to make sure they become good kids. One day, after what seems like light years of prompting a “thank-you” from your little one, you will be pleasantly shocked when they manage to convey gratitude without your hints.


The sound of this word coming from the little mouth of your toddler is nothing short of adorable. Manners are so damn cute and you have every right to tell absolutely everyone, particularly your own mother, that you have succeeded in your endeavours to create the perfect child.



6. High-Chair Comedy


No matter what kind of baby you have, they will make you laugh!


You child will be your number one source of comedy entertainment for the next while. Your family and friends will love hearing or watching (thanks to the memory-keeping device in your pocket) your sweetheart's side-splitting antics. That's why it is sometimes worth having that phone poised for your baby’s mealtime adventures.



Your baby will make the BEST facial expressions when they try their first solid food, so make sure you’re ready! Anything to do with messy eating will make for some giggles, so when you turn around to porridge dumped over freshly washed curls (ha! Don’t think this can be avoided!), take a snap.


Not only will it subdue your frustration, but you can even show your little one his hilarity when he’s old enough to understand! Kids love seeing videos of themselves as babies, especially when they’ve been up to mischief! I still play the clip of my daughters first spoonful for her, when she’s feeling the trials of toddler life and it always works a charm!


What are your best moments with your bundle of joy? Let us know in the comments


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Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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