The beach is a wonderful place to spend a sunny, windy, wet or cold afternoon. Whether you go for a dip, build sandcastles, enjoy a picnic or try your hand at crab fishing, there's plenty to do. 


However, while it is obviously a great place, there are a few things that ALWAYS seem to happen - things we could totally do without! 


1. SOMEONE gets water in their ears

And will moan about it all the way home... 


2. Sand ends up in the sandwiches

And in your teeth, hair, sun cream, handbag, car floor... 



3. The kids start digging holes with their fingers (yeah, you probably should have brought the spade...) 

And fling sand EVERYWHERE in the process. 


4. Someone will always need to go to the bathroom 

There is no way you are stepping foot in the pubic toilets... a quick sea-dip or a race home are your only options.


5. Your kids will run away from every dog possible

And you'll ruthlessly scour the sand for dog poop - you're in the mood for a rant. 



6. You will be deafened by the cries for ice cream 

And end up shelling out a fortune for a cone they subsequently drop. 


7. More sun cream ends up on your lovely white skirt than the kids 

WHY does it have to be so hard? WHY?!


SHARE if you can relate.

