Being the mum of a toddler is an exhausting and tiresome job; running around after a two-year-old who never stops while trying to teach them new things is full on. Not surprisingly, the last thing you will want to hear is that you are doing it all wrong - believe us we know!


However, there are certain things most of us say to our toddlers that we probably shouldn’t without even realising.


1. “Here, I’ll do it for you”

Sometimes it is easier to put the trousers on our little one or close their shoes for them, but they will never learn to do it themselves if you care constantly doing it for them.


2. “Stop crying”

Toddlers are just learning to control their emotions and need you to reassure that what they are feeling is ok – not that they should be ashamed or have to hide anything. 


3. “Wait until Daddy gets home”

Playing good cop, bad cop does not make a great parenting combination – it also tells your tot that they will get away with anything when they’re with you.



4. “I promise we will go to the park tomorrow”

Only say this if you are 110% sure that you be able to make it to the park tomorrow. Making promises that you can’t keep will leave your toddler disappointed and let down. Instead say: “We will try to go to the park tomorrow”.


5. “There is nothing to be sacred of”

What might seem like a small, insignificant thing to you can be huge to your two-year-old. Reassure them rather than dismiss it.


6. “Because I am in charge”

Ordering your child to stop doing something simply because you say so is not going to help them learn right from wrong.



7. “Be quiet”

Your toddler can become frightened when told in an aggressive manner to be quiet. Instead, rephrase the sentence to say: “We all have to be very quiet now”.


8. “Hurry up”

It is easy to forget just how small our little ones are and how long it takes them to complete a task. Make sure you give them time to do something – ask them to get ready earlier if you are afraid you will be late.




