Laura is a mum of three boys and spoke to us about her close call.


"Last October, a close member of my husband’s family passed away, and as you can imagine it was a busy and difficult time in our home. We were rushing around trying to arrange everything that needs to be organised at a time like this. My youngest little boy had just been born the week before, so we were exhausted with having a newborn on top of everything that happened. My mum was going to be minding the boys for me the next day, so I had put on a slow-cooking stew to be ready for her to feed them.


We went to bed late that night after getting ourselves ready, and I had presumed I had turned off the cooker. There were 6 of us in the house, my three boys, my husband and mother and I. At 2 am we were woken up by our PhoneWatch smoke alarm going off, followed immediately by a phone call from their monitoring centre to check if we were ok. I went out in our hallway, and there was thick black smoke in the hall, stairs and landing beside the bedrooms, as well as in the kitchen. The stew on the cooker looked to be minutes away from igniting. We have two other battery-powered smoke alarms in our hall and our kitchen, and neither of them worked, only our PhoneWatch smoke alarm went off, and that was what woke us up.


With a new baby in the house and two young boys, I dread to think what would have happened if the alarm had not gone off. As it was, while my boys were thankfully all fine, they might have needed to be treated for smoke inhalation if it had gone on much longer.


I’m eternally grateful to PhoneWatch, what happened really reminded me of how important the service is to me and my family. I had never really considered the value of a monitored smoke alarm, the difference in knowing that someone will always be there to monitor our safety means it’s something I’ll now never be without. At the time it happened, the actual burglar alarm wasn’t even on, but the smoke alarm works anyway, and I’ll always be thankful for it."


To help give you peace of mind, PhoneWatch is offering MummyPages readers its complete burglar, smoke or carbon monoxide alarm system for a special deal of €399 for the month of November.

