Nutella is the ultimate childhood comfort treat. Actually who are we kidding, it’s also a favourite of many adults too often favouring the ‘grab a spoon from the drawer and eat it directly from the jar’ model. But today, on this dull Monday, we’ve just discovered Ferrerorocella and if you have a Nutella or Ferrero lover in your life, then this new product is just for them.
There's only one thing better than a jar of Nutella, and that's a jar of luscious Ferraro Rocher.
Premium online marketplace, is the only place in the world where you can not only get your chocolatey fingers on a jar of this hazelnut goodness, but actually get it delivered to your door! This 220g jar of Ferrerorocella has already been restocked since it was released on Friday, due to high demand.
Ferrerorocella is the ultimate treat, so be your own ambassador and spoil yourself or order as a stocking filler for a very deserving person in your life, if you have the willpower!
The response on social media has been exceptionally positive:
“What a time to be alive”
“Dangerous” to which StuffUNeed replied “but worth every spoonful” – we feel the same way too.
Famed for safely delivering high end local brands, such as FX Buckley, Bretzel Bakery, Sheridan's cheese and George's Fish Shop, to the masses all over Ireland and beyond is the exclusive stockists of Ferrerorocella.
Shop everything you need for your weekly shop (and a few things you really need, such as Ferrerorocella) and plan your gourmet food boxes for yourself or as gifts. Support Irish businesses and shop local from anywhere in Ireland on
Order now on - a 220g jar is €4.99.