The government has brought in some new regulations for the rest of the country, regarding third-level education.
For the next two weeks, the government has asked all third-level and further education institutions to move most of their teaching and classes online, to be available through remote learning.
However, it’s understandable that it’s just not possible for all classes to be delivered online, which is why only practical teaching, like lab work, is allowed to take place in the classroom, face-to-face.
This news comes as Institutes of Technology and colleges of further education have opened their doors to students this week, while universities for the most part, prepare to open next week.
As Dublin continues to stay in Level Three lockdown, it’s assumed that any organised social activities which usually take place in colleges and universities at the start of the semester, will now have to be cancelled.
College libraries however, will stay open under new restrictions.
Minister for Further and Higher Education, Simon Harris made the announcement, saying, “The next two to three weeks represent a critical juncture. The Higher Education sector has put in place robust plans and protective measures.”
“However, at the request of the Department of Health, it has been agreed to introduce enhanced protective measures across the country to ensure safe continuation or beginning of the academic term.”