Babies and puppies are two of the cutest things in the entire world, so putting the two of them together is always going to serve up some sweet results.


And it doesn’t get much sweeter than five-month-old baby Dilan and his ‘brother’, Farley the French bulldog puppy.


The pair have become viral internet sensations thanks to their mum, Chicago-based photographer Ivette Ivens, who has been documenting their beautiful relationship online.


Explaining the origins of their bond to, Ivette said that she viewed it as more than mere coincidence that Dilan and Farley were born on the exact same day – it was a sign that the puppy had to be a part of her family.



Ever since they were first put together, these two have developed an incredible bond and have become an inseparable duo.


“Dilan is now old enough to know that Farley is a dog, but when they were little it really seemed that they believed they were the same species,” says Ivette.



She added: “Farley patiently plays with him and tries not to snore while they both nap. It’s honestly the most loving connection – pure, unconditional, irreplaceable, and inseparable.”


Those pictures really say it all, don’t they?


