Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow

Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow Infant Massage - Tinahely, Wicklow


From this provider / About this provider: Anne Mariw helps you to acquire and develop skills during the five week course which will enrich the time you spend with your baby. Provide your baby with the many physical and emotional benefits of massage. Enjoy meeting other parents and babies, while learning the techniques in a supportive group setting. Discover how to adapt the techniques as baby grows and pass on the power of touch as a lifelong gift to your baby. Techniques are demonstrated by a qualified International Association of Infant Massage Instructor. Comprehensive, detailed handouts and organic, cold-pressed massage oils are provided. There is also a chance to chat to other parents over a relaxing cup of tea/coffee after each class.VHI, Hibernian, and Quinn offer up to 100 euro reimbursement on selected health plans.

