Parenting is a roller coaster. Once you become a parent you will inevitably learn so much about yourself.
You learn more about your kids every day and you even pick up a few tips and tricks on this parenting lark along the way.
Your firstborn is the trial run.
For baby #1 I received weekly updates on what fruit/vegetable size we were at. "Aw the baby is the size of an orange this week". Baby #2 not so much.
I knew my week changed on a Monday but as to what week we were on, that was anyone's guess. Hubby came to all of the appointments on the first. I vaguely remember him being at the first appointment on baby #2.
Baby #1 I had lovely pregnancy walks with the dog. Baby #2 consisted of running after a toddler.
Baby #1's nursery was ready by month 6 of pregnancy. Everything was there. Clothes were washed and suitcase was packed.
Baby #2 was 4 months old before we had a nursery. I was panic buying clothes at 9 months pregnant.
Packed the hospital bag 1 hour before I gave birth. Clothes didn't get washed. Nothing was bought. Second-hand everything.
Organic everything. Hand sanitiser squirted at everyone before entering the house. Everything has to sanitised. Soother or teething ring hit the floor? Sterilised immediately.
A leg wipe is OK, isn't it? Sorry, baby #2.
Baby #1 in the bed with you? Not taking that risk. Baby #2 was in the bed from day 1! We hardly used the Moses basket second time around.
Changing the baby's nappy every time she wakes? Not anymore...
Baby #1 has all of his first moments documented and in the adorable albums. Baby #2 is going to get a guestimate as to when she popped her first tooth.
You won't sweat the birth like you did the first time around.
After baby #1, help? Not at all "I got this". By the time baby #2 arrived, "Jess would you like to pop out to t..... DOOR SLAMS". Yep run while the help is there.
Sleep-deprived on baby #1? Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha. I don't expect sleep anymore.
Spoon feeding baby #2, you must be joking? She can feed herself. Baby #2 is eating carrots off the floor at 8 months old.
Baby #1 love with all my heart.
Baby #2 love with all my heart.