Motherhood can be totally overwhelming at times; not only are you charged with looking after another human being, but you have a hundred-and-one things to do of any given day.
When life gets to be too much, we often come down hard on ourselves with the criticism - and not only is this unhealthy, it's also usually unnecessarily harsh.
Mums; we need to be kind to ourselves. And in that spirit, here are seven things we should NEVER be ashamed of.
1. Leaving the house with baby food on your clothes
This is like a badge of honour for any parent! Seriously, don’t panic – we’ve all discovered the remnants of our babies’ milk or food (in their varying forms!) splashed across our jumpers, smack-bang in the middle of the school-run.
That’s why you always pack baby wipes!
2. Asking for help
Motherhood doesn’t come with a guide, and it can be an absolute minefield – especially if it’s your first time around the block.
We all need a little extra support every now and again, so you should NEVER be afraid to reach out for help from a loved one, a friend, or a professional.
3. Thinning hair/hair loss
With oestrogen levels dropping after the birth of your little darling, your hair follicles are not as active, which can result in your hair thinning and falling out.
This is NOTHING to be ashamed of, mums; your body just needs a little time to readjust to life without that beautiful bub growing inside of you.
While most mums report that their hair is thick and luscious once again within a few months; if you’re feeling a little self-conscious, why not invest in a growth supplement? Viviscal has a broad range of shampoos, conditioners and treatments to choose from.
4. Crying when you feel overwhelmed
We all have those moments where we feel defeated, or like we’re rubbish parents. Sometimes, the only way to get on with your day is to have a good crying session, and let it all out.
The most important thing here is, at the very end, to remind yourself that you ARE enough, you ARE a good mum, and you’re doing a great job.
5. Gushing over your baby
Why WOULDN’T you boast unashamedly about your baby? You spent nine months growing them, and they are the centre of your universe!
Babies bring a smile to everyone’s face, and there’s nothing more beautiful than the loving bond between a mother and her precious tot.
6. Serving up the occasional ‘quick-fix’ dinner
Look, we all aspire to serve up a healthy meal every day for our children; but, with so much to juggle, it’s not always possible.
So what, if one day out of seven, it’s pizza and chips for dinner? You are neither Super Woman, nor are you a terrible mum!
7. Your ‘post-baby’ body
OK, can someone just delete that phrase from our vocabulary?
Your body is amazing. Look at all it has achieved – it created and grew your beautiful baby!
Rather than poking and prodding yourself unhappily, view your body as the most amazing instrument you own. Those stretch marks are tiger stripes; those extra folds of skin are a badge of honour; those extra pounds are a reminder that you just pulled off the greatest miracle of all.
Mums - we rock!