While the cold mornings are making us think the opposite, technically we are out of winter. This means it's time to swop up our skincare regime for something a little more suited to the change in seasons:


Swop heavy foundation for a tinted moisturiser

Let your skin breathe by putting your heavy foundation to one side and opting instead for something a little lighter, like a tinted moisturiser. As the temperature heats up you won’t want to have that caked-in-make-up feeling.


Swop heavy moisturisers for something a little lighter

Your skin is a lot dryer in the winter which is why we need something heavier, but as we head into the changing season you’ll need to go for something a little lighter.


Swop your twice weekly exfoliating for once a week

Exfoliating is important to rid your skin of dry, flaky cells, but as the temperature heats up so too does the amount of moisture in the air, making your skin will feel less tight and dry. This means you won’t need to exfoliate as much. 

