Books are a great way to relax as you remove yourself from reality and embrace a fictional way of life. And while the benefits of reading are well documented, did you ever consider the effects books can have on you?
From making your feel strong, inspired and ready for anything, here are five books that will make you feel good about yourself.
1. Oh, The Places You’ll Go by Dr, Seuss
It doesn’t matter that this book is aimed at kids, us adults can finish it with a feeling of excitement and adventures that await.
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Following our dreams can be tough and challenging, but this story will make you see that it is totally worth it. It highlights your strengths and abilities and will help you reach the top.
3. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Wells
In this book, Jeanette will take the reader on a journey through her outlandish upbringing, turning a bad situation humorous. You will come out the end laughing and with an optimistic view on the world.
4. The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Through disaster and heartbreak Pi discovers the beauty of the world in a tiny boat that he ends up sharing with a tiger. Vivid, impressive and awe-inspiring – it’s sad but incredible.
5. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
If you are a believer of karma, than Kathryn Stockett’s novel is for you. Following the life of African-American maids working for white families, the reader will be witness to the power of perseverance and the need for fairness and equality.