Breastfeeding Support & Discussions For Mammies Ireland


New and upcoming PRIVATE support group for mamas that breastfeed, wish to breastfeed or are supportive of breastfeeding.

Doesn't matter if you breastfed for 1 week, 1 year or 5 years or if you supplemented or combined fed. Whether you Breastfed all your children or none, you are doing a great job trying to be the best mammy you can and we applaud you.

Want to keep the group a positive environment where we aim to be respectful. Please to not bash other parenting choices, we are here to support and encourage not judge.

Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience but can be difficult at time, please respond wisely and carefully if someone is having a hard time.

Share your experiences, your highs and lows and ups and downs. We are here to offer support, advice, friendship and share how we handled similar experiences.

