Dublin mother Orla and her son Zain have set up a campaign to raise money for a much-needed sensory playground to be built at Scoil Aoife in Citywest.
Orla’s son Zain has Autism which makes doing some daily tasks a lot harder than other children. He attends one of two ASD classes attached to the mainstream school.
Orla hopes to raise enough funds with this campaign to build these school-children their own sensory playground. This will make a huge difference for these students and will help them work on social integration and sensory issues.
Playing in the yard with the mainstream classes can be very overwhelming for children with autism so having their own place where they can play comfortably would create an incredible, comfortable new environment for them to have fun.
As part of this fundraiser, Zain will be walking 50km over the next few months. Orla will be posting his progress on Facebook and hopes that people get behind the campaign to support him and his classmates at Scoil Aoife.
So far the campaign has garnered quite a bit of attention, with €1,188 worth of donations earned already. However, they still have a long way to go before they reach their goal of €10,000, so dig deep and donate whatever you can — check out the campaign’s donation page here.