We love tinted moisturisers, they give you a smooth, fresh and hydrated complexion, adding a subtle glow of healthy colour to your skin. They also mask skin blotches, so how do you pick one that’s right for you?
Don’t go for a darker shade to make you look more tanned, instead try and go for the natural look. Choosing a moisturiser that is only one or two shades darker than your natural skin tone is the way to go. Doing this will give you a lovely healthy glow with no fear of unsightly rings of colour lining the jaw and face.
If possible, change your tinted moisturiser each season. Consider having a different one for summer and for winter, when you’ll want a slightly darker one.
Your tinted moisturiser shouldn’t leave you feeling uncomfortable or covered in a rash. If you have any skin allergies or irritations, choose a formula that is sympathetic to those.
If you have sensitive skin, look for an organic product that is free of artificial dyes or fragrances. Celiacs should opt for gluten-free cosmetics.
In addition to adding colour, choose a moisturiser that also keeps sun damage to a minimum. Many companies offer moisturisers infused with SPF protection to keep wrinkles and sunburns at bay.