Life is busy, we get that. And when children come along, it only gets busier. But in an increasingly hectic world, more parents are choosing to get outside help for more than just child minding. Professional sleep trainers are becoming more mainstream, and now one couple from the UK are seeking a professional potty trainer. 


The couple posted the advertisement online explaining that they have struggled to train their toddler to use the bathroom because they both have very busy careers. 


The mother, who is from Surrey,  says her in-laws are coming to stay this Christmas and she is desperate to get her potty trained in time for their visit.


The mum and dad are offering to pay £50 an hour for 10 hours of training a week, with a bonus if they achieve it in time for the 23rd of December. 



The ad appeared on yesterday and was reported by the Mail Online. The couple has already come under fire from commenters for not 'parenting' their child themselves. 


But in a reality where two parents have to work, what is the alternative? Toilet training is time-consuming and often parents can struggle with this particular milestone. Sometimes it can take weeks to get it right.


Often, this gets done by the nursery or creche that the child attends anyway. So what is the difference? No child is the same, and sometimes it takes that extra time or patience to figure out how to do something, especially when it is new to you. 


There will always be those who criticise parents for not doing things themselves, but this couple is asking someone with experience to help their child - probably someone who is better equipped to deal with this particular task, AND they are willing to pay.


The concept of paying someone to deal with all that comes with toilet training is becoming more popular. In the US, professional potty trainers can demand over a thousand dollars for the privilege of watching your child poop.


Maybe it is time people got on board with the fact that sometimes parents need a helping hand, or (gasp) don't want to deal with the toilsome task of toilet training. 


And if you are prepared to part with the cash for that support, well, why not? 


What do you think - indulgent outsourcing or forwarding-thinking parenting?

