For a condition that affects at least a quarter of all women at some stage in their lives, there are a lot of common misconceptions about how one develops thrush. While sexual intercourse is probably the main cause that most women are aware of, below are some more common risk factors that every woman should know about.


1. Antibiotics

This is one of the chief causes of thrush. Antibiotics kill off ‘normal’ bacteria as well as the harmful bacteria causing you to be sick, which in turn allows thrush's yeast bacteria to develop.


2. Diabetes

Yeast grows better in an environment with high sugar levels, which is why diabetes patients with high blood sugar levels are at an increased risk of developing the condition. Furthermore, a weakened immune system will make a diabetic more open to thrush.


3. Pregnancy

Thrush develops where there is a change to the pH levels of the vagina. Given the major hormonal changes that your body goes through during pregnancy, many mums-to-be encounter an experience with thrush.


4. Perfumed toiletries

Just as our natural secretions and chemicals can trigger the development of thrush, so too can certain toiletries containing harsh or perfumed irritants. Anything that can cause irritation to the skin of your vagina can throw your pH levels off balance and can increase your risk of thrush. There is a broad range of feminine hygiene products specifically designed to be gentle on your vagina, so visit your pharmacist to find out more.


5. Sugary foods

It follows that, if a diabetes sufferer is more likely to develop thrush, then having a sugar-rich diet is not good for your vaginal health. Excess sugar in the diet is absorbed into the system and provides the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria to grow.


