There are so many great crafts to make with paper plates, which is great news for us mums because we always seem to have a plentiful supply of them after a party. This idea is simple, fun and sure to capture your little one’s imagination.


What you will need:


  • Paper plates
  • Scissors
  • Bubble wrap
  • Rolling pin
  • Paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Glue




  1. Wrap your bubble wrap around the rolling pin and secure with tape.
  2. Squirt some paint onto a paper plate, then roll your bubble wrap back and forth until each bubble is covered in colour.
  3. Next, take a blank paper plate and roll the newly-painted bubble wrap all over it, leaving the imprint of the bubbles, and creating a snake-like skin.
  4. Leave your plate to dry, then cut a swirling circle into to create the body.
  5. Attach some googly eyes using a dab of glue, and a ‘forked’ piece of ribbon for your snake’s tongue.


Images via Pinterest

