We all know the feeling of laying eyes on a police dog in the airport and resisting the urge to cuddle it, right?
Well, one aspiring Australian police pup got the boot from police doggie school because he was just too darn friendly, and we're honestly crying at the thought.
After six weeks of training, the Government House decided that the ADORABLE German Shepherd puppy, who is named Gavel, was not fit for policing duties.
Be still our beating hearts.
Thankfully, Gavel had been fostered at the official residence of the Governor of Queensland, so the governor decided to give his canine pal a brand new job.
"He has outgrown four ceremonial coats, undergone a career change (his official title is now Gavel VRD, 'Vice-Regal Dog'), and brought untold joy to the lives of the governor, Mrs de Jersey, Government House staff, and the thousands of Queenslanders who have since visited the estate," the office of Governor Paul de Jersey said.
He has brought us joy, too we might add.
"Gavel comes from a long line of pedigree... if the family bloodline is anything to go by, in 16 months Gavel will be tracking and catching criminals as a proud member of the Queensland Dog Squad!"read the initial statement about the pupper - sadly his crime-fighting days were short lived.
However, he now spends his days "at one of Brisbane's most prestigious addresses, it is unlikely Gavel will be complaining any time soon."
This dog is our hero. That is all.