Anyone who has ever owned the car of their dreams will know the pride and satisfaction you get from driving around in your fancy automobile. And when your family begins to outgrow your vehicle, it can be hard to say goodbye.


No one proves this point better than Andi Love, a soon-to-be father-of-four who has just rather reluctantly put his dream car up for sale.


Taking to eBay to post an ad for the sale of his beloved VW Golf, Andi revealed how, now that his wife is expecting twins, he is being forced to upgrade to a more traditional ‘family’ car. (See the full ad here, through this link.)



“Yep, that’s right, ‘birthday treat weekend’ has turned into the wife getting knocked up. Big deal, I hear you say; it’s [got] five doors [and] a good boot – what’s the problem? Well, I’ve got two little savages already who I struggle to get to behave in the back and not touch my unblemished R Alcantara upholstery,” explained Andi.


A little left of the norm for a car ad, Andi’s wry comedic twist has entertained interested buyers no end, with the ad even going viral thanks to sentences like: “At the scan, the nurse is like ‘congratulations, it’s twins’. All I’m thinking is I’m gonna end up with a Picasso.”


Admitting that he is now ‘screwed’, Andi went on to say that he has accepted the fact that he won’t be able and enjoy his dream car for at least another 20 years and so, for now, “it’s people-carriers all the way”.


It’s likely there will be tears when Andi eventually hands the car over to its new owner!


