No matter how we approach them, or what we do, at the end of the day our children will always be a law unto themselves!


While getting our little ones to go to or stay in bed is a struggle that we are sure you can all identify with, their ability to fall asleep in the most random places, at the most unusual times, is one of the more humorous aspects of this torment!


One person who has summed up the bedtime struggles of an exhausted parent (and baby) is John Humphries, who collaborated with good friend Eric Metze on a spoof movie poster that parents everywhere will identify with.


After catching his two-year-old son Andrew asleep face-down on the stairs, teddy bear still in hand, he and Eric decided to give the hilarious scene a thriller movie twist.


Bedtime – billed as a production that is coming soon, “like, probably tonight” – looks like a movie that we might just be too scared to sit down to!



Created as a joke, and posted on social networking site Reddit, the poster has since proven a hit with amused parents around the world.


Among the equally hilarious responses on the Reddit thread is the comment: “Currently in pre-production: ‘Bedtime 3: Same Thing As Last Night, First We Brush Your Teeth And Then We Can Read One Story, Please Don’t Give Us A Hard Time Again”.


We love it!


