Fading friendships are hard: whether they were with you right up to the end of your pregnancy before dodging your phone calls or they gradually started to distance themselves as soon as you announced you were expecting. Either way, having a friend break up with you is frustrating and sad, particularly when it’s done at a time when you really need them.


If you are struggling with a friendship loss, these will help:


Ask what happened?

Get in touch with them to see what happened. It might be a complete misunderstanding and the only problem is trying to find a time to meet up that suits both of you.


Give it time

There could be many reasons why your friend has started to distance themselves from you: they might be struggling to conceive and are finding it difficult to hear your happy news or they don’t know how to handle the new friendship dynamic.  Don’t just write off your friendship after a few dodged calls, give things a chance to settle down.


Be sad

You have reached a point in your life where things will change significantly, so don’t feel silly mourning what you have to say goodbye to. You were obviously friends with that person for a reason, and it is ok to feel sad that it is no longer.


Don’t blame yourself  

While keeping an aspect of your old life might be possible, a certain number of things will change. Sadly, the loss of friendship is one of the biggest changes. However, it is important you don’t blame yourself. Having a baby is time consuming, and you won’t adjust to it overnight – you won’t be able to meet the girls for lunch all the time and you will have to turn down night  outs or shopping trips, but your true friends will understand this.


It is not unusual for friendships to change after you have had a baby, but that doesn’t make it any less hard to deal with. We all assume our friendships from our school days will stay with us right up to old age, but sadly, that is not the case.


