There are very few of us out there who have embarked on a new nutrition plan and managed to stick to it without experiencing a number of pitfalls along the way.

Whether you fell at the first hurdle or cracked like an egg three weeks into it, it’s just a matter of course that you’ll stumble every now and again!

While we may have the best of intentions, life, responsibilities and, lets face it, our desire for cake just get in the way sometimes.

If you’ve ever been on a diet, then you’ll know some of these classic fails all too well!

1. One packet of stale biscuits accidentally escaped the cupboard purge

“Better eat them now so I can really start this diet properly.”

2. The ‘light’ or diet’ variety allows you to get creative with logic

“Surely that means I can have four, right?”

3. Exercise and nutrition math that doesn’t add up

"I took the stairs twice last week, so I am officially entitled, by law, to this one teeny tiny box of chocolates."

4. Comparing yourself to others

"She eats whatever she wants, so maybe I can too! It’s all about positive thinking."

5. If it doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t count

“Yeah, I know I had that muffin, but it wasn’t nice and I ate it standing up.”

6. If you didn’t order it, then the calories don’t count.

“Just give me one of your chips, I’m on a diet!”

7.  Rewards become your main motivator

“I deserve a dessert after that spin class, don’t I?”

8. If no one sees you, it doesn’t count

“It’s like it never happened!”

9. Food manifests everywhere you look

“Am I the only one who thinks that floor cleaner smells like lemon cake?”

10. Your mind becomes warped as you struggle with another excuse

"Yeah, I know, but it's raining, it's Wednesday, I hurt my toe and...leave me alone..."



