The last thing any owner wants to find when they arrive home after leaving their pet alone all day is a note to say that [insert dog’s name] was barking all day long.
Usually down to separation anxiety, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure they stop doing it, before your neighbours ask you to move!
1. They aren't neutered
Unneutered males can be very protective about their space and you’ll find they bark at any- and everything. Neutering may take away some of this need to protect and stop the barking over time.
2. They’re bored
If your pet is bored they are more likely to bark to get someone’s attention. If you are out at work, you need to provide plenty of stimulation for your pet so that they are entertained all day. Food games, chew toys or balls can keep them happy as well as a long walk before you go to work so that they are exhausted when you leave for the day.
3. They are overexcited
Under-exercised dogs are more likely to be bored and bark. Make sure your pet is getting enough run around time every day so they aren’t hyper and full of pent up energy. If you can, ask a dog walker to take your pet out every day or even a family member to give them the run around they need.
4. They're easily distracted
If your pet is inclined to bark at the postman or a passing car keep the curtains in the front room closed and the blinds down so your pet won’t become distracted.
5. They suffer from separation anxiety
Some dogs bark because they simply miss you or any form of company. To stop them becoming distressed you need to address their behaviour or in some instances get them a friend in the form of another dog.