Pregnancy and birth can have a huge impact on a woman’s body, and it can leave a mum feeling self-conscious in ways like never before.


One woman who can totally relate to this is British model and mum-of-two, Portia Freeman, who admits that breastfeeding has left her ‘desperate for a boob job’.


Writing in a post on her blog, Platforms & Pushchairs, Portia – who is mum to Dylan and Rudy – explained her motivation behind seeking cosmetic surgery.


“I always liked having small boobs before giving birth to my little rack ruiners, and when I finished breastfeeding Rudy they just didn’t go back to how they once were,” she wrote.



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While she acknowledged that it’s only natural that things won’t go back to normal, she admitted that something ‘natural and classy’ would ‘give her back some confidence’ and give her ‘mind and body a little more balance’.


“I’m not thinking of anything big and obvious but something that will look natural and classy,” she added.


“I blame my three boys – that’s right, three boys! I don’t plan on having any more babies, so I feel I can seriously start to think about a boob job.”


Describing her breasts as ‘used and dried-out teabags’, Portia explained that confidence isn’t the only factor at play, either.



A post shared by Portia Freeman (@portiaportiaaaa) on


“Of course, I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t be getting them done for vanity reasons, too. Who wants to wear a saggy Agent Provocateur bra? That’s not cute for the boyf. Surely I’m not the first mum to want a boob job after having children…?!” she added.


Before she takes the plunge, however, Portia is keen to know all about boob jobs: who has had them – specifically after pregnancy; the process they went through, and how life changed afterwards.


“I’ve done some research online, but nothing I read gives me the answers I need; and people who have them done in the public eye don’t seem to talk about it…I think it’s a positive and real conversation for us to be having,” she wrote.


Well, over to you, mums – have you had an experience with a boob job after breastfeeding, or just in general? Let us know how you got on!


