If you're someone that suffers with back pain because of long days at your desk or on your feet then these yoga tips might be for you.


Now, we're no 'yogi's' but even we could manage these easy moves, especially when they help relieve the stress and pain in our back.


1. Cat and Cow



A classic yoga pose that makes us feel relief even looking at it.


Simply start on your hands and knees. As you inhale drop your belly slowly and arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone.


Congratulations your doing the Cow.


Then with an exhale begin to round your spine upwards and pull your belly in to meet your spine. Lower your head and tailbone and you are now succesfully doing the cat.


2. Cobra



Probably one of the first poses you picture when you think of yoga.


Lie on your belly with your legs together and arms stretched out in front of you.


Inhale slowly and begin to walk your hands in while keeping your hips and thighs on the ground.


Gently arching your lower back, walk your hands in as far as you can while keeping your elbows and bum relaxed.


Roll your shoulders back and elongate your neck to get the full relief of this pose.


3. Wild child


It doesn't need to be difficult or time consuming to get relief, this pose is the perfect example.


Start on your hands and knees and slowly sit back between your heels, exhaling as you lower your belly between your knees.


4. Happy baby



You may have seen your little one doing this at home and it happens to be one of the best stretches for your lower back and tight hips.


Lying on your back, bring your knees up to your chest and grab hold of the outside edges of your flexed feet.


Keep your arms outside your legs.


Exhale as you gently try and pull both knees towards the floor beside your chest.



Try a few of these when you get home from work, get a spare minute or just need the relief and reap the benefits.


You'll be a yogi in no time.


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