Like many mums, you may suffer from back pain from time to time.

Whether it occurred during pregnancy, presented itself in the aftermath of your labour or is an ailment you have lived with long before becoming a mum, back pain can be incredibly debilitating.

At best, it can affect your life in a number of small ways and at worst, it can stop you from living life to the full.

If you find yourself affected by back pain, then it may be worth incorporating yoga exercises into your daily life.

From the Downward Facing Dog to the Sphinx pose, these movements can help alleviate the discomfort many of us suffer as a result of regular back ache.

1. Downward Facing Dog

By elongating and strengthening the spine, this well-known position is a must-do for anyone seeking relief from back pain.

Start on your hands and knees and slowly lift your hips until you come to rest in an inverted ‘V’ position.

2. Lower Back Clasp

This move will help stretch your spine and, perhaps most importantly, strengthen your lower back.

Lie face down before raising your chest off the floor and clasping your hands behind your back.

3. Bow Pose

While the lower back clasp help strengthen the lower back, the bow pose does wonders for your upper back.

Begin in the same position as the previous pose before raising your chest off the ground and clasping your feet with your hands.

4. Sphinx pose

This move will help lengthen your spine and alleviate discomfort.

Start on all fours and lower yourself to the ground before placing your forearms in front of you and lifting your chest off the ground.

If you repeat each of these moves five times for a count of twenty at least once a day, you will go a long way towards relieving the pain you suffer from.


