As any fitness fanatic worth their salt will tell you, the cool-down is just as important as the warm-up.

If you scrimp on your post work-out routine, then you’re potentially setting yourself up for a world of pain.

Aching limbs, pulled muscles and general discomfort go hand-in-hand with the failure to cool-down after any exercise routine.

Here are just five reasons why you need to include a cool-down in your exercise regime!

You won’t regret it, ladies.

1. Cooling-down helps your body adjust

When you take the time to cool-down and stretch out your muscles, you're treating your body with the care it deserves and helping it go from a strenuous work-out to a state of rest.

Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to wind down!

2. Cooling-down reduces risk of injury

Stretching out your tired limbs is vital if you don’t want to miss a week’s worth of gym session because of an unwanted injury!

If you take the time to prevent aches and pains with a few minutes of stretches, your body will thank you later.

3. Cooling-down is good for more than the physical body

Cooling-down is the perfect time to reward yourself for her hard work in the gym studio.

Allow your mind to relax as you slowly stretch out those limbs and listen to your body at this crucial point in your work-out.

4. Cooling- down prevents dizziness

No one wants to go from a kick-ass work-out to a mortifying tumble down the gym steps.

By cooling-down you reduce your risk of getting dizzy or lightheaded after a strenuous routine.

5. Cooling-down is a work-out in itself

By employing the correct cool-down technique you will increase your flexibility.

By increasing your flexibility, you will be even more competent during your next exercise session.

What's not to love?!


Scrimp on your cool-down and pay for it at your next session!



