It’s important to look after every aspect of our health, and with so many cases of breast cancer diagnosed on a daily basis, we should be paying extra attention to our breasts. Here are foods to incorporate into your diet to boost your breast health.


1. Plums and peaches

As well as high antioxidant levels, these fruits contain polyphenols that scientists believe could kill breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.


2. Broccoli

This leafy green vegetable contains sulforaphane, and scientists previously found this to reduce the number of breast cancer stem cells in laboratory mice.


3. Parsley

Believed to inhibit cancer-cell growth and possibly even boost resistance to tumour-development, scientists advise you to sprinkle parsley generously in your meals.


4. Sweet potatoes and carrots

Fruit and veg containing carotenoid has been linked with a lower risk of developing certain types of breast cancer, and sweet potatoes and carrots are top of the list.


5. Salmon

Salmon and oily fish in general are good for almost every part of your body, and the high content of omega-3 oils has even been linked with improved breast cancer prognosis. A previous study found that women who consumed high levels of omega-3 oils in their diet were almost 15% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t.

