Today, February 7, is the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day. With many of us using the internet as part of our everyday lives from posting on social media, working from home and shopping in our favourite online retailers, we use the internet a lot.
As today is Safer Internet Day, the Gardaí Twitter account has shared some tips and tricks on how to ensure you’re being as safe as you can while being online.
With an emphasis on keeping your data safe, Gardaí have said, “Be careful what you post online and be aware of unsolicited offers or requests”.
Happy #SaferInternetDay!
— Safer Internet Day (@safeinternetday) February 7, 2023
Let’s ensure that the voices of children and young people are heard on #SID2023 and all year through!
We have the power to promote positive changes “Together for a better internet”.
Another tip they shared was to hover over any links and don’t click on them instantly.
They also said, “Update systems and passwords regularly and backup data separately and securely”.
With a theme of ‘Together for a better internet’, the organisers of Safer Internet Day explained what the day is and why they celebrate it.
“Safer Internet Day is a call to action for every stakeholder to contribute to a safer and better internet, especially for its youngest users”.
Their aim is to highlight, “The importance of ensuring that the largest possible number of users, and especially children and young people are adequately prepared to handle digital technologies responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively”.
Today is Safer Internet Day and the message is simple, keep your data safe by:
— Garda Info (@gardainfo) February 7, 2023
- Be careful what you post online
- Be aware of unsolicited offers or requests
- Don't click on links - hover first
- Update systems and passwords regularly
- Backup data separately and securely
As many people use the same passwords across multiple online platforms and don’t backup data or use two-step authentication tools, today is a good day to remember to update all of these aspects of your internet presence to make sure you are staying safe online.
Webwise, one of Ireland’s Safer Internet Day partners, are promoting respect and inclusivity online to keep in theme with this year’s event.
They explained, “Bullying and abuse can have very serious negative consequences for those involved, and it is an issue that as a society we are still struggling to deal with”.
“Webwise will be calling people in Ireland to get together for a better internet, and to create a more respectful and inclusive online environment”.