First, a massive heatwave and now, a consistent rainfall? It is no surprise that the weather in Dublin has been all over the shop. Recently, Ireland had record breaking heat, melting the tarmac and burning us to crisps.


So, what should you expect this week?


A relief of relentless showers. Weather updates show that rainfall will continue until this Friday. Hopefully, our poor yellow grass will find some life again!


Met Éireann has announced that despite the rain, temperatures will remain warm, with daily highs between 17-23 degrees. This weekend, however, will revert us back to the scorching heatwave we thought was finally over. Temperature is expected to have a high of 27 degrees.


Not quite as bad as earlier this month, we will see a sunny weekend! So make sure to keep your pools out in the back garden.


And enjoy the cool rainfall while it lasts!



