Deciding to get fit or begin a new exercise regime is often motivated by an urge to change our appearance.

The desire to fit into a particular dress or pair of jeans is often the only reason we decide to lace up our trainers and slide on our snazzy headbands, but we need to start focusing on the other benefits of getting fit before we lose sight of their importance.

Believe us, if you decide to stick to a regular fitness regime, the benefits will surpass any dress fitting!

Lets take a look at five ways your life will improve if your decide to include exercise in your daily routine.

1. Improves sleeping pattern

Taking regular exercise has an incredible impact on your sleeping patterns.

If your struggle to get out of bed in the morning, you’ll be astounded how quickly this will change if you introduce exercise sessions into your life.

No more early morning wails of despair!

2. Elevates mood

Find yourself becoming grumpy or cranky at certain points during the day?

By introducing exercise into your life, you will be giving your body a natural boost which will result in a more positive, upbeat mood.

Don’t believe us? See for yourself!

3.  Improves self confidence

Need a little help in this department?

Knowing you just worked your butt off during a high intensity cardio session is enough to put a pep in anyone’s step!

Knowing you can slog it out in the gym with the best of them will have you walking tall in no time.

4. Reduces stress

Find yourself becoming stressed during the week, but haven’t established a proper outlet to deal with it?

Look no further than your local gym or park which offers you an abundance of space to run off that stress.

As any gym bunny will tell you, a 40 minute exercise session will clear your mind, reduce your stress levels and guarantee a healthier outlook on life.

5. Prevents against disease and health conditions

Concerned about your general health and hoping to see an improvement?

Regular cardio exercise can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease as well as a number of other diseases.

Keeping your body in tip-top condition can also help prevent against stroke, arthritis and diabetes.



