Athlete’s Foot is an unsightly condition that usually occurs under toenails or between toes. However, it can also appear on the groin, hands and even under fingernails.


Thankfully it is very easily treated, and with the summer coming up (and flip flops coming out...), now is a good time to get on top of it.


1. Use a fungal cream

Depending on the severity of the situation, an over-the-counter fungal cream applied for between one and four weeks can help kill off the infection.


2. Give your feet a good airing

When you can, wear flip flops and sandals to give your feet a chance to breathe. Athlete’s Foot develops in areas that are moist and warm (like sweaty toes), so get the air on your feet.



3. Dry the area thoroughly after a shower

It is important you dry the area thoroughly after a shower or bath to stop it getting worse or from coming back.


4. Stop the spread

Athlete’s Foot is EXTREMELY contagious so wash your hands thoroughly after touching the area, don’t share towels, wash your socks in extra-hot water and alternate your shoes every day


5. Swab the area with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, and can help treat and stop the condition getting worse. Simply dab a little bit of the oil onto the area three times a day until it is gone.


SHARE so everyone will have sandal-ready feet for the summer.


