Mums Say Group
Join this group to be the first to hear about our 'Mums Say' product testing and trials. This is how you take part in our 'Mums Say' product testing trials:
Please do not advertise in this group! All posts deemed to be advertising or self-promotion of a business will be removed and the member may be subject to banning from MummyPages.
1. Click "Join this Group"
When a new trial becomes available, we will send you a message to let you know. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the topic to take part.
2. See a trial you like?
You need to be quick as places for trials are very exclusive and limited. If you are selected to participate in a trial, we will contact you to let you know.
3. Remember you will need to write and submit a review
Once you have finished your trial, you will need to return to the trial topic in the relevant group. You need to post your comments about your trial. You must log in before you comment. It's important to provide feedback as if you don't you may not get to do other 'Mums Say' product trials.
Don't worry if you can't remember how to return to your Mums Say topic: just visit our groups homepage, and search for 'Mums Say' which will bring you back a list of 'Mums Say' product trials. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer further trails to group members who do not provide a review.
Please do not advertise in this group! All posts deemed to be advertising or self-promotion of a business will be removed and the member may be subject to banning from MummyPages.
Refer to our user guidelines for more information.