Mums Say Trial

Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review

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There is a new thermometer, called ‘Mother's Touch’ which can be placed like a ring on your hand, and it works by touching the child’s forehead to determine if the child has a fever. This new thermometer is every bit as accurate as the more invasive models. After only six to eight seconds, the Mother’s Touch will reliably show the child’s body temperature. 
It's easy and unobtrusive. The temperature is determined with the aid of three sensors, and it is operated simply with just one button and a large.
There is also an audible fever alarm that gives parents additional certainly, and a very handy memory facility which stores the previous measurement, so that you can see if the child’s temperature has risen or fallen.
Mother's Touch costs €17.99 and is available exclusively at DocMorris and Unicare pharmacies.
We are looking for five Mums Say testers for the Mother’s Touch thermometer. If you are interested in participating join the group and note your interest in taking part by leaving a comment below.
The five Mums for this test have now been selected. They are Sonia Mone, Gemma Mooney, Emma Barry, Janet Johnston and Pam Meehan.
Recruitment for this group is now closed.  
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Group Stats

  • Views: 158k
  • Members: 51 Members
  • Last Update: 09/01/15

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RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
January 08, 2012
Would love to test this as I dont find it too easy to use the regular thermometer
RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
November 15, 2011
Would love to test this product as I have 3 boys youngs one is 2 and he will not let me put a thermometer in his mouth or under his arm.
RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
November 15, 2011
This is very timely for me! My daughter is 10 months and seems to be teething a lot... I'm a new Mum and we have had 3 weeks of it. My friend told me if there is one thing I should do is to buy the thermometer for the ear. She said it is 65Euro but worth every penny. This alternative looks like it could be very useful. I would love to trial it for you.
RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
November 14, 2011
I would love to give it a try. Looks like the best way to get a temperature from a child without giving them any hassle at all.
RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
November 12, 2011
I'd love to try it out. looks like it's very easy to use
RE: Mums Say - Mother's Touch thermometer review
November 11, 2011
I would be interested in testing this product. I have 3 young children and I usually use a Braun ear thermometer. Thanks.

