Whilst there are some good hair loss treatments for women, there are also some that have terrible side effects, particularly on women of childbearing age. One such treatment is Propecia (finasteride).
Doctors are often reluctant to prescribe treatments for hair loss that affects your entire system. Instead, many often choose topical treatments, which are applied directly to the scalp.
Dritho-Scalp (Anthralin - also available in other forms in Drithocreme, Psoriatec, and Zithranol-RR.) is another treatment for hair loss. It contains less than 0.5 percent Anthralin, an ingredient that stimulates the creation of free radicals and reduces the rapid growth of skin cells.
Minoxidil (Rogaine) which is available in foam and liquid form, is the most popular and effective product on the market. Results may be seen after six months.
Corticosteroid products include foams, sprays, and lotions. They are best used in conjunction with minoxidil. Corticosteroids simulate the effects of the hormones cortisone and hydrocortisone and are available in injection form for the most effective delivery.
Before considering any of these treatments, consult a physician and know what’s involved.  The effectiveness of these agents and methods may vary from person to person. Typically getting to the cause of the hair loss as well as triggering hair growth will get the best results. 

