Now that we can finally get out and about again after a long and boring lockdown, we’re taking every opportunity we can to get our kids out in the fresh air and sightseeing around our beautiful country. Scenic cliff walks, hidden coves, rolling countryside – we’ve seen it all these last few weeks as we make the most of the summer holidays!
And while the kids are generally happy enough on these adventures, there inevitably comes that point in the day that all mums dread; ‘Muuuuuuuuuum…I’m hungry!’
And of course, it always comes when you’re on the road and at least forty minutes from any town or halfway up the side of the mountain. Typical!
Like any mum, we like to be prepared for these situations – but carrying around a bag full of snacks isn’t exactly a huge priority when we need to also pack essentials like wipes, sun cream, ant-septic, water and whatever else we end up needing throughout the day. And when every child has a different food requirement – ‘No I hate those ones/We always have those/Those aren’t my favourites!’ – it can be hard to win, no matter how prepared we are.
But POM-BEAR could be the answer to the eternal problem – a true crowd pleaser, these light and crispy bear-shaped snacks have everything: Novelty, great taste and absolutely no added artificial colours or flavours.
The delicious teddy-shaped potato snack, with its unique taste and texture give a light and crispy bite which melts in the mouth, making it the perfect road trip companion this summer. POM-BEAR is made from top quality ingredients and is gluten free so it’s safe for all your little ones and easy on their stomachs.
Satisfy their food cravings without ruining dinner with these cute, handy and light little bear snacks – that are only 65kcal per bag! Travel easy this summer, knowing your kids aren’t consuming any artificial nasties - without compromising on flavour and fun!
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POM-BEAR is a delicious teddy shape potato snack, its unique taste and texture give a light and crispy bite which melts in the mouth. With no artificial flavours or colours and Gluten Free, POM-Bear is the perfect snack for all the family.