As any dedicated Instagrammer knows only too well, the perfect photo can work wonders for your online profile.


However, a lot of production often goes into the simplest photo, and the following video pays tribute to the man responsible for getting a ‘gram picture-perfect – the Instagram husband.


This hilarious video documents the secret hell of Jeff, Trey and Nate – all Instagram husbands whose lives have been turned upside-down by being transformed into their wives’ ‘human selfie-sticks’.


From deleting every app on their phones to make room for more photos to faking delight and pausing before that first sip of coffee to take a snap; it’s clear that these guys have a lot to put up with to make Instagram stars out of their other halves.


As Jeff so accurately points out, “behind every cute girl on Instagram is a guy like me, and a brick wall.”


This will have you falling about the place with laughter – and perhaps even cringing in recognition!




