We are in the throws of the summer months (yes, really), and we are all very aware of the safety precautions.
We're covering ourselves are our kiddos in SPF 50, ensuring that sunburn comes nowhere near us.
However, when you think about summer safety, you probably forget to include your loyal family pet into the equation - right?
Well, dogs are particularly susceptible to hot weather, and it can actually be very dangerous, if care is not taken.
Luckily, we've done the research, and have come up with a handy list of tips and tricks that will keep your gorgeous pupper safe this summer.
1. Mind their paws
This might sound odd, but when the weather is hot, the ground heats up too. Think about it - we walk around in shoes all day, unaware that the ground is actually very warm. Try to keep your pet off of hot asphalt; not only can it burn paws, but it can also increase body temperature and lead to overheating.
2. Don't just "crack the window"
Listen, we've all been there. You pull up outside the shop and you nip in to get a few bits, leaving your dog to guard the car. You crack the window for him though, so its okay? Actually, no, this is not a good idea. It can take just a few minutes for a dog to get heat stroke, which can be fatal in many cases. If it happens to be a hot day, just leave your dog at home - don't risk it guys!
3. Keep an eye on their bowl.
It is so important that your dog has access to fresh drinking water at ALL times. Dogs can overheat quite easily (it may be the fur coat?) so be sure that they always have a way to cool themselves down.
4. Dogs can get sunburns, too.
You probably didn't realise (we didn't either) that dogs can actually burn if they're over exposed to sun. If your dog spends quite a bit of time outside, you may need to invest in some doggo-specific SPF. Speak to your vet about this, because not all human sunscreen will protect your pet.
5. Protect them from parasites and fleas.
If not protected, your dog is at risk for heartworm, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and a host of other nasty and dangerous conditions. And don’t forget, many of these diseases can be caught by people too!