How to brew better coffee at home
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we can brew better coffee at home and get a perfect hug in the mug?
It's all very well and good enjoying the super cafe coffes and indulging in some of their yummy cookies, the thought of brewing your coffee at home would be just revolutionary. So, is it possile or do we just stick to the coffee to go from your favourite cafe? It is, and you don't need lots of expensive equipment or a whole lot of time.You just need to be better prepared.
Here our tips on how to get you the perfect brew every time.

1.Buy Whole Bean Coffee

If you are using pre-ground coffee to brew coffee at home, you're doing it all wrong. The compounds that make coffee aromatic and tasty start to escape from the beans by the degassing process immediately after roasting the beans. 70% of those compounds are gone after eight days of roasting, taking a lot of flavor with them. With time most of the flavor goes away, leaving the stale tasting coffee behind. So consider using coffee beans and grind them right before you brew your coffee to get the most flavorful and fragrant cup of coffee out of your beans.

2. Store the beans properly 

It is essential to store the beans properly to keep it fresh. You can use a vacuum-sealed airtight container or a standard mason jar to store the beans.

3.Grind right before brewing

When you grind matters, coffee starts to lose its flavor soon after grinding. So ideally, grind beans right before brewing to get the most flavor out of your coffee beans, or as near as possible to.

4.Use a good grinder

Get a good grinder - to extract the flavor of the beans, the particle size of the ground coffee needs to be perfect. With a burr grinder, you can control the grind’s size and repeatedly produce your specific grind size. You can also check for some other best thermal coffee maker.

5.Grind the beans at the correct setting

Grind sizes need to vary depending on different methods of brewing. The easy way to tell the perfect size of your grind is the time and taste. If the grind is coarse, the coffee brews too quickly and tastes acidic. On the other hand, if the grind is too fine, coffee brews very slowly and tastes too bitter. French Presses need a coarse grind; pour-overs and AeroPress call for a medium grind, and espresso requires a fine grind.
Adjust your grind setting according to time and taste to get one step closer to brew delicious coffee at home.

6.Use the right water

More than 98% of brewed coffee is water. Water plays a crucial role in how your coffee will taste. Using purified and filtered water is better. Make sure not to use distilled water. Although it is the purest form of water, the coffee doesn't dissolve entirely.

7.Check the temperature of water

Ensure the water you are using to brew your coffee has the optimal temperature between 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of water affects the brewing speed and also the extracted beans. A temperature below 195 degrees F gives an acidic taste, whereas the coffee brewed with water of 205 degrees F causes a more bitter taste. So, keep the temperature of water according to your desired taste.
You can check the temperature using a standard thermometer and if you don't have one, a reasonable guide is that 30-60 second off boiled water is typically within the desired range.

8.Make sure to use right amount of coffee

It is essential to add the right amount of coffee with each unit of water as it decides how your brewed coffee will taste.
If you enjoy a fairly strong coffee cup, you can go for a ratio of 1:20, which is about mixing 7.5g of coffee to 150mL of water. But it depends on you, your taste and preference. 

9.Consider using digital scale 

Using tablespoons or scoops is fine, but if you want to get exact, you need precision  - different coffees and blends have different bean size and density. So one spoon of a coffee can weigh significantly more or less than a scoop of another coffee. A digital scale will allow you to measure the weight instead of volume, letting you know exactly how much you are using.

10.Let your coffee bloom properly

When we pour water in coffee grounds, the coffee starts to bubble up due to the byproduct CO2. The phenomenon is known as bloom. CO2, the byproduct of the roasting process, can push water away from the ground coffee, which may prevent extraction, negatively affecting your brewing. Add a little water at the beginning of the brewing process, and wait about 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom. Then add more water. Use the water double the amount of the coffee you’ve used to get a good bloom.
Whether it’s a busy weekday or a weekend, it’s hard to imagine starting a day without coffee - and with these tips, it will be a perfect one every time.

