As a mum with a hundred-and-one things to do and remember, it’s easy to find your memory slipping from time to time. While it may feel like you have no control over your memory’s health, there are some steps you can take which can have a major impact on it.


1. Establish a good diet

A good diet is one of those essential components that can improve every aspect of your health, and this is particularly true of your memory. Research has proven that poor diet contributes to cognitive decline, with experts highlighting the importance of fresh vegetables and healthy fats for good memory; sugar and grain carbohydrates should be avoided.


2. Get a good night’s sleep

Like diet, a healthy sleep pattern is essential for your overall health. When it comes to your brain, sleep not only enhances your memories but it also promotes clear thinking the following day.


3. Get enough exercise

Experts have found that exercise stimulates your brain’s nerve cells to multiply, while also strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage. This benefits your cognitive functions, strengthening processes like learning and remembering.



4. Give your brain a workout

It’s a well-publicised fact that challenging and stimulating your brain helps to keep it from deteriorating. By doing puzzles and “brain games”, you are keeping your mind and memory active. Experts advise to spend no longer than seven minutes on a puzzle or brain game, as the benefits tend to weaken after this period of time.


5. Try not to multi-task

This is something you’ve been warned against from a stress point of view, but research also shows that the negative effects of multi-tasking go far beyond this. As well as slowing you and your brain down, multi-tasking can also make you more forgetful and prone to errors. Slow down and try to take one job at a time to ensure optimum memory and brain health.

